In recent years, educational tourism has achieved new heights of success. Students generate nearly 40% of the industry’s total revenue, with the age group of 19-25 being the most prominent.
Educational tourism benefits host countries and educational institutions. Above all, it plays a huge role in the personal development of students. From knowledge expansion to increased maturity, here are seven reasons why you should consider educational travel.
1. Knowledge and Experience
Knowledge expansion is the most important benefit of educational travel. Students are exposed to new concepts and theories. Most education trips have plenty of seminars and lectures to give students knowledge that goes beyond their academic backgrounds.
Students are also able to get hands-on experience on different subjects. Internships, volunteer opportunities, and temporary employment, all are effective ways to help students get practical knowledge. Learning through experience not only improves your grades but also prepares you for success in the long run.
2. Greater Engagement
Nowadays, the concentration levels and attention spans of students have significantly decreased. New environments motivate students to learn with greater interest. Research shows that exchange students actively participate in classes and are eager to take part in presentations.
3. Cultural Exposure
Study-abroad trips expose students to a myriad of cultures. As a result, they learn the customs and traditions of different people. Students are often surprised to discover similarities between two distinct cultures.
Traveling is also an excellent opportunity to learn new languages. The end goal is to develop cultural awareness and understanding in students.
4. Confidence Building
Studying outside your home country means getting out of your comfort zone. Once you leave the familiar environment, you meet new challenges and are bound to tackle them. This allows you to believe in your skills and trust your decisions.
Moreover, as an exchange student, you participate in all sorts of events. This improves your social skills and helps overcome anxiety or self-doubt.
5. Community Building
Sitting in a classroom every day for three hours, taking notes, and submitting exams can make you intellectually strong but cannot expand your horizons.
Unless you meet new people, it would be hard for you to break your bubble. Travel abroad allows you to build connections and become a part of a community with like-minded individuals.
These connections would help you secure professional opportunities in the future.
6. Personal Growth
Education is not just about becoming an expert in your field. Rather, the goal is to learn compassion and empathy. Traveling to a new place, interacting with people from different cultures, and building friendships contribute to your development as an individual.
Living alone gives you independence but also forces you to learn important life skills such as budgeting and dealing with language barriers.
7. Stress Relief
Research shows that a huge percentage of students suffer from academic stress. This hinders their performance and eventually results in long-term mental disorders.
Educational travel allows students to escape the mundane everyday routine and learn with greater enthusiasm. Traveling is known to decrease cortisol levels in our bodies. This concludes that exploring new places can reduce stress and offer relief.